
According to the data available from the Business Registers Agency on 31 December 2015, the city economy comprises of 1398 business companies and 3656 entrepreneurial shops, totally amounting to 5054 active business entities.

The most important activity in the city is wholesale and retail with 35.63%, processing industry with 23.19%, traffic and storage with 9.04%, professional, scientific, innovation and technical activities with 8.24%construction with 8.15%, and agriculture, forestry and fishing with 2.78%.

Foreign trade exchange on the territory of the city of Kraljevo in the period January-July 2016 amounted to 99,479,237 USDof which export 39,560,861 USD, аnd import 59,918,376 USD.

The investment opportunities in the city of Kraljevo may be divided in several segments:

investing in brownfield locations

– investing in greenfield locations

– investing in the tourism sector

– investing in the agriculture sector (particularly in the processing activity sector and production improvement)

– investing in the renewable energy sources sector (biomass and hydro potential)

In the area of the city of Kraljevo there are significant infrastructural equipped areas intended for industry and economy, which are located under former industrial complexes, the so-called “brownfield” locations.

The city also disposes with suitable “greenfield” locations, which are located in industrial and business zones, which may be placed at the disposal to potential investors in compliance with the Law.

Tourism is one of the significant potentials of the City of Kraljevo because it disposes with significant tourism resources: rich cultural historic heritage, natural thermal and thermo-mineral springs suitable for the development of spa tourism, preserved natural environment, important sports-recreational and cultural events, and conditions for the development of rural tourism. The possibilities at the disposal of the city have partially been used. Very important are the “brownfield” locations where the facilities of the natural treatment and resort center Mataruška and Bogutovačka Spa are located, which may be subject to investment in the function of tourism development,

Agricultural production and processing are surely a very important potential of the local economic development as there are favorable conditions reflecting in mild continental climate, good water regime and significant surface of agricultural land (47.4%) and a significant number of registered agricultural farms (8,251). Based in the information from the agriculture census, particularly developed branches of agriculture are stockbreeding, fruit growing and feed production. It may be said with certainty that agriculture id a very important and strategic branch of the city of Kraljevo in terms of production and sale of healthy food, as well as supply of green market with fresh products.

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