Mayor of the City of Kraljevo 

Predrag Terzić, PhD

Predrag Terzić was born in 1984 in Kraljevo, where he has finished the Elementary School “Vuk Karadžić” and the Gymnasium at the Department of natural sciences and mathematics. He has graduated at the Department of Political Sciences of the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade with grade average 9.63. In October 2009, he enrolled into master studies of political sciences, which he completed in 2011 achieving grade average 10.00. In December 2015, at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade, he defended a doctoral dissertation titled “Influence of European liberal thought on the political modernization of Serbia from 1878 to 1903“, acquiring therewith a scientific degree of a doctor of political sciences. During his basic, master and doctoral studies, Predrag Terzić attended a number of courses, seminars and schools in the area of communications, political marketing, USA studies, gender studies and the culture of remembrance.

During the period of his studies, Mr. Terzić volunteered in the National Office of the President of the Republic of Serbia (February-May 2008), gaining recommendation of the Office Director as an outstanding volunteer. After completing his basic studies, he worked on several different jobs, and from March 2012 to February 2015, he was included as an external associate in a project of the Political Studies Institute in Belgrade. In March 2015, Mr. Terzić was employed at the Political Studies Institute, where he still works. From the beginning of 2015/2016 academic year, he teaches part-time at the Advanced Economic School of Vocational Studies Peć with registered sear in Leposavić.

Predrag Terzić has presented works on national and international scientific conferences, and he has participated in a number of round tables and scientific workshops. He has published 13 scientific works and two book reviews. His works are published in the Serbian Political Thought, Faculty of Political Sciences Yearbook, Kultura polisa, Međunarodna politika /International Politics/ journal.

In two terms, Predrag Terzić has been elected alderman in the City of Kraljevo Assembly. He has held the position of a deputy president of the City of Kraljevo Assembly, head of a parliamentary group, president of the Constitution and Administration Committee, and president of the Administrative-Mandate Committee of the City of Kraljevo Assembly. From January 2015 to February 2016, he has held the position of the manager of the MPs Office of the City of Kraljevo on voluntary basis





phone: +381 (0) 36 306 024

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